The Hydrogen Business Division works on creating the most advanced liquid hydrogen technologies in the market.
The HBD's product portfolio spans across liquid hydrogen mobility, storage & transportation, liquefaction and refueling technologies and hydrogen safety solutions.
Our products
하이리움산업은 70개 이상의 액화수소 및 열전소자 기술과 관련된 특허 및 인증서를 보유하고 있으며, 현재 출원중인 특허를 포함하여 2024년 기준 총 105개의 특허를 보유할 예정입니다.
Hylium Industries is an internationally certified manufacturer of Liquid Hydrogen technologies and cryogenic vacuum vessels
ASME Certifications
KGS Certifications
ISO Certifications
The National Board Certification
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